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Examinations for foreign language courses

The Examinations Office of the Language Centre organises and implements language examinations and advises students interested in studying foreign languages. Read on for important information on language examinations, including exam dates.

Before you can sit a language exam, you have toregister for it in the Campus Portal. This applies to all languages and all levels.

The exam dates are announced here approximately two to three weeks before the start of the examination period.

We announce the seating plans for the centrally organised language exams, in order of date/time, on this page a few days prior to the start of the exams. Please read these plans in advance to avoid large queues in front of the notice boards at the exam venues.

Please check the study and examination regulation for your intended degree programme to determine what language skills are required.

Language certificates

Unfortunately, FFP certificates cannot be issued at the monent.

Confirmation letters

Please contact Mr Wolfgang Killer if you require a letter confirming attainment of a language level (within CEFR) or mark/grade.

Your contact for FFP certificates

Ulrike Buchheit
Ulrike Buchheit
Room NK 421
Innstraße 40
Phone: +49(0)851/509-1704
Fax: +49(0)851/509-1702
Consultation hours: Mo, Di, 09:00 - 12:00 Uhr und Mi, Do, Fr, telefonisch und per E-Mail

The inspection of language exam scripts is centrally organised and occurs twice a year, once in May and once in November. An overview with information and dates can be found here at the beginning of each semester.

The Examinations Office of the Language Centre

Section Head

Wolfgang Killer
Wolfgang Killer
Room NK 417
Innstraße 40
Phone: +49(0)851/509-1703
Fax: +49(0)851/509-1702
Consultation hours: Mo, Di, Do 08:00 - 11:30 Uhr und 13:00 - 15:00 Uhr, und Mi, Fr, telefonisch und per E-Mail


  • Administrative and organisational implementation of the foreign language examinations forming part of:
    • the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes
    • the subject-specific language programmes
  • Advising students on educational and examination matters in the area of foreign languages.

Staff members

Anja Horn
Anja Horn
Room NK 419
Innstraße 40
Phone: +49(0)851/509-1705
Fax: +49(0)851/509-1702
Consultation hours: Mi, Do 08:30 - 12:00 Uhr und 13:30 - 16:30 Uhr, Fr, 08:30 - 13:30 Uhr und Mo, Di telefonisch und per E-Mail


  • Foundation and Intermediate examinations
  • DSH German language test for admission to university
Ulrike Buchheit
Ulrike Buchheit
Room NK 421
Innstraße 40
Phone: +49(0)851/509-1704
Fax: +49(0)851/509-1702
Consultation hours: Mo, Di, 09:00 - 12:00 Uhr und Mi, Do, Fr, telefonisch und per E-Mail


  • FFA Advanced examinations (all subjects)

Examinations Office of the University

Examinations Office of the University can help you with specific questions about the individual degree programmes.

More links (1)


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